
Showing posts from January, 2018

guest speaker questions

1. where does your inspiration come from? 2. what editing software do you use? 3. where are your favorite places to take photos? 4. what is your favorite/ best photo you have taken? 5. what is the craziest thing you’ve done for a photo?

bokeh effect


free shoot


week goals

I want to take and finish my painting recreation and plan for the shoot on Monday.

week of 7-12

This week I will plan and shoot my free and painting recreation shoot.

file formats

Advantages of RAW: 1. You have more control over editing your photo and how it ends up looking. 2. You can edit the photo is more detail with the use of a computer. 3. The photo is a higher quality image.  Disadvantages of RAW: 1. The image is less sharp and lower in contrast.  2. You have to use a computer to process and convert the photo. 3.  It takes a longer time to load RAW files. Advantages of JPEG: 1. The image is sharper and higher in contrast. 2. Small file size. 3. You can take more photos in a shorter amount of time. Disadvantages of JPEG: 1. You lose color when taken. 2. The photo is not as good quality. 3. It cannot be edited as fully as RAW. 1. The RAW file contains more data because it has not been compressed by the camera. 2. You have editing control over the white balance, contrast, highlights, colors and saturation. 3. RAW photos will take up more space on your memory due to the larger file size and not ever...

week of 1.3 - 1.5

For this week I am going to complete the File Formats blog post and start planning for my free shoot. I would also like to find the painting that I am going to recreate.