
Showing posts from March, 2017

sensory overload and sports/action assignment

1. I think the statement is true and people are beginning to value possessions too much. I do agree with this statement. I think it is going to change how and what I choose to photograph in the future. 2. I thought it would be very interesting to visit and photograph, but not for a long period of time because it seems very overwhelming. 3. I think being a child of one of the workers would change what I value in life, especially when surrounded by all of these objects and possessions. 4. My favorite photo was the one of all of the buttons and pins on the wall. I liked the color scheme and that they were all in neat rows. I thought the photo was still overwhelming, but less vibrant than the others. 1. 2. 3. 4.

sports action preview

lone star dispatch issue #4

varsity cheerleaders prepare for national competition writing: 1. The first story that I read was about the varsity cheerleaders preparing for nationals. They have had a major setback, but continue to move forward. The cheer team is going to orlando, florida for the competition where they home to win gold. who? bowie varsity cheer what? going to nationals when? february 10 why? to compete how? preforming a cheer routine who was quoted? bridget alverez, amie roggermann, and tanya zint strongest quote? one of our main flyers got injured over Christmas break... (Amie Roggermann) It was quoted in the middle of the story. lead sentence? yes, I wanted to read more. photo: There was only one photo for this story, but I thought it was very good. The photo followed the rule of thirds because the subject was to the left. The photo had a deep depth of field and was exposed properly. AISD begins search for principal to take on permanent position  writing: 2. This article was...

front pages of the world

1. My favorite newspaper that I looked at was the Austin American Statesman. I thought it looked very professional and well put together. Also the format of the paper was eye catching and easy to read. The headlined popped out at you. 2. My favorite headline was "How to survive SXSW". I liked it because I could not only relate to the article, but it looked interesting and informational. 3. There were three main articles on the front page. 4. The article titles on all of the newspapers were bolded and at the middle-top of the page. There was always a eye catching title on the very top that said the name of the paper. The main article was the longest and had the most pictures. 5. I noticed that the newspapers in Europe only had one headline and main story, but the american articles had several stories and headlines. Each newspaper had a different theme and font that was specific to the individual newspaper. 1. I liked that there were several pictures in ours and they were...

website review

I choose the website Photojojo to do a review of. This website caught my attention because of the look and how it was organized, I thought it looked interesting and informational. This website include several blog posts that are either diys, informational posts, or just photography ideas. They have five main categories to choose from as well as a store. The first category is diy, where you can find quick and helpful photography hack and tips. The second place to go is an inspiration tab where you can look at other photographers work and much, much more! Next tab is a gear category. This offers suggestions for beginning to advanced photographers on what camera gear to use. My favorite was the photo technique tab because it offered really good suggestions on how to take better and more professional looking photos. The last tab was titled, weird and it was a collection of additional photography posts to look at. I was surprised by how much I really enjoyed looking at this website. It was ...

newspaper page
