lone star dispatch issue #4

varsity cheerleaders prepare for national competition
1. The first story that I read was about the varsity cheerleaders preparing for nationals. They have had a major setback, but continue to move forward. The cheer team is going to orlando, florida for the competition where they home to win gold.

who? bowie varsity cheer
what? going to nationals
when? february 10
why? to compete
how? preforming a cheer routine
who was quoted? bridget alverez, amie roggermann, and tanya zint
strongest quote? one of our main flyers got injured over Christmas break... (Amie Roggermann)
It was quoted in the middle of the story.
lead sentence? yes, I wanted to read more.

There was only one photo for this story, but I thought it was very good. The photo followed the rule of thirds because the subject was to the left. The photo had a deep depth of field and was exposed properly.

AISD begins search for principal to take on permanent position 
2. This article was about how Bowie is trying to find a replacement for the principal position. The process takes three months and is overseen by the Board of Trustees. Applicants will start screening on February 8th and it is likely the replacement will by filled by the end of this school year.

who? AISD
what? looking for a principal
when? february 8
why? Bowie needs a principal
how? applicants are put through a screening process and chosen by the AISD board of trustees
who? Brian Crow
strongest quote? The associate superintendent for high schools and his team will interview the finalists... (Brian Crow) It was quoted in the middle of the story.
lead sentence? Yes, I wanted to keep reading.

The photo had a shallow depth of field, but was still eye catching.  The photographer used lines and made the subject the intern principal. The photo had good exposure.

high schoolers can fall in love
3. This article was about the opinion of Austyn Keetly on falling in love as a high schooler. She believes that you can find love in high school and it is very real. While most parents say that high school is where you find love... and heartbreak, Austyn has a different view. She explains the hormones that students feel and how that plays a role in relationships and love.

who? high schoolers
what? falling in love
when? high school
why? it is usual for you people to fall in love and hormones
how? meeting and talking to people
who? the article had no quotes, it was the opinion of one individual student
strongest quote? none
lead sentence? yes, I wanted to keep reading

The photo in this article was a drawing about high school love. Although the artwork was very well done and relevant, I thought that it did not help readers be drawn into the story and want to read more. The work was centered and did not really have depth.

senior experiences the ride of her life
 The photo for this article is very large and attention grabbing. The exposure is set well and goes with the natural lighting of the photo. The photographer used leading lines in the fence to draw your eyes to the subject. The depth of field is medium.

running off the beaten path
The photo for this article was very well shot and made me interested in the story. It had a large depth of field and good exposure. The photo is framed by the equipment and although the background is busy, you only focus on the subject.

1. My favorite photo in the newspaper was the girl riding the horse.
2. This was my favorite because is showed action and was shot from an interesting angle.
3. The photo has framing on the left side and leading lines to the subject.
4.My least favorite photo was the photo of the protestors.
5. I think the photo looked very unoriginal and the subjects were cut of except for their heads.
6. I would have liked to do the article about the horse back rider because it was interesting and different and it was something outside of school.
7. I though this was a really good newspaper in all. I think they did a great job with the layout and making it looked like a finished, professional product. The only weak point was the headlines did not make me that interested in reading the articles, I think they could have been more creative.


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