my favorite cover

The New York Times Magazine, May 19, The Secret Lives of Germs
Photographer: Hannah Whitaker
Designer: Arem Duplessis
"This cover story by Michael Pollen argues that while we have been obsessed with eradicating germs, there are health advantages to being exposed to them. The cover shot by Hannah Whitaker of a baby being licked by a dog makes graphic the prevalence of germs in our everyday lives."
This was my favorite photo of all the covers. I think it was a really good idea for a magazine cover because it caught my attention amongst all of the other covers. The photo follows the rule of thirds and is a very well lit photo. The photographers choice to have a plain background, specifically a blue one, makes it eye catching and the baby stands out. The exposure is perfect because the photo is in focus and vibrant. The photo was supposed to relate to germs and I think the photographers idea was really creative. To use a baby in a photo seem like it might create problems, but the baby looks very clean and well behaved. The dog is also in the perfect position and the shutter speed was high enough that the dogs tongue is not blurred.  


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