tales of light 2

1. The photographer in this episode is Jim Abernethy. Jim photographs mostly underwater, with a focuses on sharks. In this episode, Jim travels to the ocean to photograph tiger sharks.

2. I thought the most interesting thing in this episode was that Jim showed no fear when going up to the sharks. He put himself in their habitat with no protection and he had friendly interactions with them. He touched them and even cut debris from a hurt shark.

3. This episode, like the past one, focuses on how misunderstood creatures can be. He photographed tiger sharks, which are considered dangerous to many and showed them in a peaceful way. I learned that it is okay to be around these creatures and not be afraid.

4. He traveled to the Bahamas to photograph tiger sharks. This was an incredible way to photograph sharks. Not only was the water clear and beautiful, but he actually got into the water and close to them to take the photos.

5. His work is important because it brings attention to animals that are thought of to be dangerous by most of the population.  Also Jim is taking a different approach to photography and is inspiring to people who want to take photos like him.


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