lone star dispatch issue #4
varsity cheerleaders prepare for national competition writing: 1. The first story that I read was about the varsity cheerleaders preparing for nationals. They have had a major setback, but continue to move forward. The cheer team is going to orlando, florida for the competition where they home to win gold. who? bowie varsity cheer what? going to nationals when? february 10 why? to compete how? preforming a cheer routine who was quoted? bridget alverez, amie roggermann, and tanya zint strongest quote? one of our main flyers got injured over Christmas break... (Amie Roggermann) It was quoted in the middle of the story. lead sentence? yes, I wanted to read more. photo: There was only one photo for this story, but I thought it was very good. The photo followed the rule of thirds because the subject was to the left. The photo had a deep depth of field and was exposed properly. AISD begins search for principal to take on permanent position writing: 2. This article was...
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