my first interview

1. What are the qualifications to be a student of the month?
You have to have good grades, be a role model, and have extracurricular activities.
2. What are your best school subjects?
My best school subjects are math and science.
3. What are your worst subjects?
The hardest subjects for me in school are english and world history.
4. How do you deal with the stress of school and grades?
I make sure to be very organized and not get behind.
5. What are some of your after school activities?
I play competitive soccer outside of school and do photography.
6. Are you involved in any school clubs or organizations?
Yes, I am apart of school council and photography club.
7. What are good studying tips?
I would recommend to study several days before a test and make your own study guide.
8. What are your plans for after high school?
I'm not exactly sure what college I want to go to, but I want to play college soccer.
9. What learning conditions help you the best?
I like to learn in a quiet classroom that is not too cold!
10. How are the classes you are taking now going to help your future?
I take all pre-ap core classes so when I am a senior I can take classes for college credit.
11. Do you have an idea of what career you want to have?
No, but I am interested in STEM so maybe an engineer.
12. Do you still have time to hang out with friends?
Yes, I get all of my homework done over the week so I can have free time on the weekends.
13. Why do you think you were chosen as student of the month?
I think I was chosen because I try my best in school and I am very involved.
14. What are the worst distractions that keep you from school work?
My phone is the worst and easiest distraction for me.
15. How do you keep from giving in to those distractions?
I make sure to keep my phone away from me and turned on silent when I do homework.
16. What do you do to be a leader around campus and off campus?
I always try to give good advice and step up to make sure people aren't doing things that could get them into trouble.
17. Do you volunteer  outside of school?
I do volunteer because I think it is a good way to give back to the community.
18. How do you try to be a role model for younger students?
I think the best way is to just lead by example and make sure you don't do things to get into trouble.
19. Is getting a good night sleep important for doing well in school?
YES!! Sleep is super important and also a good breakfast in the morning to get your day started.
20. What would you recommend to other students that want to be a student of the month?
I would recommend to keep your grades up and try to participate in as many school activities that you can.


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